Availability : In Stock

Flaxseed Oil Omega Gold [Mar23] Ingredients :

  1. Semen Linum Usitatissimum
  2. Flax Seed Oil
Member's Price Each When You Buy
RM 49.00 1 unit
Retail : RM 74.90
Made In : New Zealand
Nett / Content : 250 ml
Packaging Dimensions : 4.98cm * 4.98cm * 18cm
Packaging Weight : 271 gm
Highest quality of Omega-3. Stable against rancidity. The oil is extracted from organically grown flax seeds using the special cold-pressing process, which eliminates the damaging effect of light, oxygen, and heat.

Omega Gold flax seed oil is pressed and packaged under the most stringent conditions. It is completely unrefined, unfiltered, and cold pressed in the absence of light, oxygen, and chemicals. Contains no additives or preservatives.

Our opaque, black bottles are flushed with nitrogen, filled, then immediately capped. This prevents both photon decay and auto-oxidation of the oil thereby retaining its unique fresh-pressed taste and integrity.



Ideal for salad dressings & smoothies


Drizzle on veges or baked potatoes


Delicious nutty taste


Not Your Typical Oil

Do not heat or cook with flaxseed oil. Omega-3 is sensitve to light, heat and oxygen. It will be less beneficial once the Omega-3 bonds are broken down to Omega-6 or Omega-9, there’s no reversal.



Always keep it cool. Refrigerate it to keep it getting rancid. Freeze it if you plan to not consume it for a long period.


One Tablespoon a Day

Consume the flaxseed oil within 8 weeks of opening. 

Transition in the used as special dietary food.

Semen Linum usitatissimum 250ml
(Flax Seed Oil exclusively from Organic GOLD Flax Seed)
Omega Gold Flax Seeds are not genetically altered.


Nutritional Analysis Per 10ml Serve 

Energy (kJ)

Fat Total (g)

Monounsaturated (g)

Polyunsaturated Omega-3 (g)

Saturated (g)


Polyunsaturated Omega-6 (g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Sugar (g)

What is Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil is a natural food supplement which is high in fatty acids. Every living cell in the body needs essential fatty acids. They are important for rebuilding and producing new cells. It is also used by the body for the production of prostaglandins, hormonelike substances processes. Flaxseed oil is rich in the two basic categories of essential fatty acids, the omega-3 and omega-6. It has tremendous benefits and is suitable for all to take.

Benefits of Flaxseed Oil

  • Heart disease – lowered cholesterol and triglyceride levels by 25 and 65% respectively. Decreases the probability of blood clots and reduces blood pressure.
  • Cancer – successfully proven by doctors worldwide that flaxseed oil kills human cancer cells and reduces growths and tumors.
  • Diabetes – some evidence shows a deficiency of omega-3 can contribute to diabetes as well as a concurrent lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • Arthritis – successful with rheumatoid arthritis, eg. 60% of patients in one study stopped using anti-inflammatory drugs after consuming flaxseed oil.
  • Asthma – relieves asthma even within a few days.
  • Breathing – since flaxseed oil has been known to oxygenate the body, breathing disorders are eased with this increase and lung function is improved.
  • Skin – flaxseed oil is famous for its ability to make skin soft and smooth. Excellent against skin disorders such as eczema and rashes. Have been shown to soothe and heal these skin problems.
  • Brain – improves brain function and memory. Necessary for children’s academic performance and the high level performer.
  • Vitality – one of the most noticeable signs of improved health is an increase in energy within just a few weeks of taking flaxseed oil.
  • Pre-Menstrual Syndrome – normalizes hormones in the body relieving PMS symptoms.
  • Allergies – helps to decrease allergic response.
  • Inflammation – many inflammation problems including colitis, nephritis, tendonitis and psoriasis have been helped.

Dosage Recommendation for Flaxseed Oil

For normal maintenance -1 tablespoon daily (best taken with yoghurt)
For therapeutic reasons -3 tablespoons daily (best taken with yoghurt unless otherwise specified)

To order, visit us online at :
This promotion of Flaxseed Oil Omega Gold [Mar23] has ended and is not available for purchase anymore. Visit the order page for the latest update in products.
About NewLife Today (formerly NewLife@AmpangPark)
At some period in our lives, most of us have wished for better health for ourselves and for those we know and love. Some way to regain the vitality we have lost.
We want a safe and effective method to combat illness. A way to repair our bodies instead of just treating the symptoms with drugs.
We are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Wishing to start all over again. Go back to the way we once were physically, at an age before "modern living" lifestyles and bad habits took their toll. Can it happen?
Maybe having someone to show us the how to honestly fight and win the battle against diseases like cancer and heart attack. To defuse the ticking time bombs of high blood pressure, failing kidneys and tired livers. Is there a fighting chance?
At NewLife, we have seen these wishes come true over and over again, it would be irresponsible and unkind not to help, not to share what we know.
Backed by real life testimonies from people who have benefited, we hope you will find, together with us, the way to make your health wishes come true.
Wishing you the pink of health, contact us for free health consultation.
Let food be your medicine and medicine your food