Dandelion Root found in Herbal Tea Morlife
Dandelion Root is an ingredient found in our Herbal Tea Morlife product as shown above.
Ingredients contained are not sold separately from the product unless it's the only ingredient.
Dandelion Root found in Liverin
Dandelion Root is an ingredient found in our Liverin product as shown above.
Ingredients contained are not sold separately from the product unless it's the only ingredient.

Dandelion root is also an effective diuretic that many people swear by. Not only is it effective in cases of swollen ankles and feet, but it does not deplete the body of potassium as most prescription diuretics can. Dandelion root is effective for several different conditions where a mild diuretic is indicated, such as in high blood pressure and digestion problems. The leaves can also be used as a diuretic, and many people swear by it even though clinical trials have been inconclusive. It is more than a placebo, as some physicians? claim, since it is in wide spread use throughout the world for its diuretic effect.

Dandelion root promotes the regular functioning of your kidneys, and the minerals it contains are important to the urinary tract. In fact there is a natural flow, if that word can be used, from the diuretic action that helps the body to eliminate excess fluids through the kidneys. The kidneys filter out the harmful substances that are then passed to the liver for detoxification. This process is helped by dandelion root that promotes the flow of bile and improved the liver metabolism.

Red Clover is truly a wonder herb. Apart from its expectorant qualities, the herbal remedy is also known for its beneficial effects on cardiovascular health . As researchers are now finding with many plants, Red Clover as the herbal medicine contains isoflavones (substances that act like estrogen), which in this case, were found to raise the good HDL cholesterol in menopausal women. One such study of pre- and post-menopausal women concluded that Red Clover actually strengthened the arterial walls, possibly reducing their risk of heart disease. 1 In fact, this medicinal herb was found to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones, also believed to posses blood-thinning properties that improve circulation.

Red Clover as herbal medicine can be used in a variety of ways depending on the need. For instance, crushed flowers can be directly spread onto an insect bite to reduce pain and swelling; a compress made from fresh flowers, simmered in water for 48 hours then evaporated and added to an ointment base, will alleviate swollen lymph glands. Normally however, Red Clover can be taken as a herbal tea, (1 ? 2 tsp of dried flowers in 8 ounces of water, three times per day), in capsules (1000 ? 3000 mg per day) or as a tincture (3 ? 5 ml, three times per day).

Licorice is used to treat a vast array of illnesses. In China, licorice is considered a superior balancing or harmonizing agent and is added to numerous herbal formulas. It is used to soothe coughs and reduce inflammation, soothe and heal ulcers and stomach inflammation, control blood sugar, and balance hormones. Licorice is great for healing canker sores and cold sores (herpes simplex virus). Licorice is a potent antiviral agent and can be used to treat flu, herpes, and even hepatitis. Licorice is also a strong anti-inflammatory agent and can be used to improve the flavor of other herbs. With all of these uses, it is no wonder that licorice finds its way into so many therapies.

Licorice temporarily shuts down some members of a family of enzymes called short-chain dehydrogenase reductases (SDRs). This does both good and bad things to you. SDR enzymes are a large family of enzymes that accomplish a wide variety of chemical transformations in the body. Some SDR enzymes that licorice hampers break down stomach-protecting molecules, and other SDR enzymes that licorice inhibits help keep blood pressure low by balancing sodium and potassium concentrations. SDR enzyme inhibition by licorice can thus protect your stomach but raise your blood pressure.

Siberian ginseng is considered to be “the leading and most remarkable” of a group of substances called adaptogens. The term originated with the late Hans Selye, renowned Canadian physician who defined the body’s adaptive reaction to stress. Chronic stress causes chronic engagement of the stress response. Over time the body is depleted of its reserves. In addition, a continual barrage of the biochemicals produced by the stress response can damage the body. Then stress begins to take a toll on health. The body becomes less able to adapt to stress, plus there is a lessened capacity to perform non-stress related functions. For example, immune response may be weakened. Adaptogens are nontoxic substances which support the body’s ability to make and withstand the stress response.

Siberian Ginseng contains choline, a brain chemical for learning and memory retention. This helps improve mental performance and alertness. its antioxidant properties prevent cellular damage due to oxidation to help with heart disease and cancer prevention. Siberian Ginseng contains saponins which inhibit the growth of cancer cells and can convert diseased cells into normal ones. It gives the body a better ability to cope with stress by normalizing body functions and exerting beneficial effects on the adrenal glands (the ones that secrete stress-fighting hormones). Siberian Ginseng has compounds similar to estrogen that help control menopause symptoms like hot flashes.

Taheebo, or Pau d’Arco, is the common name for the inner bark of the Red or Purple Lapacho tree. This tree grows high in the Andes of the South American rainforest. The Red Lapacho’s purple-colored inner bark was one of the main medicines used by the Incas and has been used for over 1,000 years by the Callawaya tribe, descendants of the Incas. These native tribes use Taheebo topically to address a variety of undesirable skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections and skin cancers. It is taheebo’s anti-cancer properties that have lead to its potential in the treatment of a wide variety of cancers and tumors.

Taheebo is associated with anemia, a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells, according to the UMMC. Additionally, taheebo has blood-thinning effects. Drinking taheebo tea can increase the risk of abnormal bleeding and bruising, and anyone taking medication with anticoagulant effects should be cautious about drinking taheebo tea. These medications include warfarin, heparin, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen. The herb ginkgo biloba also has blood-thinning effects.

Dandelion root and milk thistle help in cleansing and strengthening your liver. Milk thistle has silymarin which does not only protect your liver but helps in regenerating itself. Dandelion root helps in removing waste products from your gallbladder and kidneys.

Dandelion Root: (Taraxacum Officianal) Liver health support for hepatitis, aids liver in recovering function after disease. Increases liver bile secretion. With milk thistle and nettles, dandelion will dissolve gall stones. As a general tonic it builds red blood cells, antifungal, antiyeast, lowers blood sugar, and spurs waste metabolism in the kidneys and liver.

Dandelion root has been used for years in Chinese medicine to supplement healing of breast inflammation. It has also been employed to stimulate milk production. Since dandelion has a pleasant flavor when boiled, it really is frequently added to teas and has also been made into wine. Some salad chefs have added fresh dandelion atop salads to add a unique flavor to their recipes.

Dandelion root, one among the common ingredients in ayurvedic medicines is an effective herbal remedy for dissolving stones. Diuretic property enriched in dandelion root boosts urine output and stimulates blood circulation in kidney. Patients suffering from stones are advised to drink at least three cups of dandelion root tea per day. This helps in relieving inflammations due to movement of stones and cures pain. Water intake by person plays a vital role in maintaining the health of kidney. Intake of dandelion root enriched with potassium regulates body’s water balance and improves kidney function. Apart from dissolving kidney stones, this herbal cure is also used for detoxifying blood cells. Regular use of dandelion root extract as per the correct dosage level strengthens immune system and prevents kidney and urinary tract infections.

Dandelion Root is also higher in beta carotene than what is found in carrots. The leaf of the plant is a powerful diuretic and a delicious salad green in the spring. A very nutritive herb with medicinal benefits of stimulating the liver and kidneys while absorbing toxins and soothing the digestive tract.

Dandelion Root Indications: eczema (combine with Chickweed), skin diseases, scurvy, jaundice, gall bladder, mental fatigue, leg cramps, bowels, bladder, diabetes, asthma, aging, acne, spleen, low blood pressure, liver problems, psoriasis, low endurance, anemia, high blood pressure, hypoglycemia, all liver problems, rheumatism, stomach, and warts. Abundant in calcium, iron, potassium, sodium and vitamins A, C, and E. Moderate amounts of phosphorus, manganese, selenium and silicon with some B-complex.

Dandelion root tea tastes similar to coffee. It is really an infusion of roasted dandelion root, as well as roasted chicory (for a more coffee like taste) in hot water. I mentioned that I am starting an internal spring cleaning/cleansing in yesterday’s post , and for good reason. Not only does dandelion root contain antioxidants, it also has a cleansing effect on the body by promoting the removal of wastes. Dandelion root is known in many natural health circles as a strengthener of the liver, our main detoxifying organs.

Dandelion root is also an effective diuretic that many people swear by. Not only is it effective in cases of swollen ankles and feet, but it does not deplete the body of potassium as most prescription diuretics can. Dandelion root is effective for several different conditions where a mild diuretic is indicated, such as in high blood pressure and digestion problems. The leaves can also be used as a diuretic, and many people swear by it even though clinical trials have been inconclusive. It is more than a placebo, as some physicians’ claim, since it is in wide spread use throughout the world for its diuretic effect. Dandelion root leaf tea is truly one of the best natural treatments. Dandelion root toy tea is used in a variety of civilizations since a standard liver organ tonic. It is subsequently recommended since treatment for disorders typically connected through a faulty liver, such as skin problems, irregularity since well as head pain. Dandelion root steeped tea is normally safe and secure and secure and gentle; unfortunately, some individuals could have an hypersensitive reaction to it.

Dandelion root is one of the most recognized and respected extracts in all of alternative medicine. That’s because this substance has a number of potential health benefits, many of them having to do with your digestive and urinary health.

Dandelion root promotes the regular functioning of your kidneys, and the minerals it contains are important to the urinary tract. In fact there is a natural flow, if that word can be used, from the diuretic action that helps the body to eliminate excess fluids through the kidneys. The kidneys filter out the harmful substances that are then passed to the liver for detoxification. This process is helped by dandelion root that promotes the flow of bile and improved the liver metabolism.

Dandelion root has long been regarded as being a tonic for a ”sluggish” liver that was thought to be responsible for symptoms such as constipation, fatigue, boils and eye problems. This is the origin of the term to look ”liverish”. The liver was thought to be ”congested” in the way that a blocked nose could be congested. This has continued into the present day, when some believe that dandelion can be used to detox the liver and the gall bladder.

Dandelion root can be an appetite stimulant and it can treat some digestive disorders. Today, many herbal doctors use dandelion to purify the liver and gallbladder of toxins. Research indicates that dandelions can treat pneumonia, bronchitis, and other respiratory disorders. Dandelion can improve general health, and is beneficial to the kidneys, pancreas, spleen, stomach, and other organs. Dandelion is also recommended for the treatment of tinnitus, tonsillitis, osteoporosis, abscesses, anemia, boils, mammary tumors, cirrhosis, water retention, hepatitis, jaundice, rheumatism, and warts. Dandelion may also be effective in eliminating or averting age spots. Some people also use toasted dandelion root as a healthier alternative to coffee.

Dandelion root is known for its healing and medicinal effects. The NYU Langone Medical Center  reports that dandelion root has long been thought to be a liver tonic and was used to detox the body of toxins; however, research does not support this at this time. What dandelion root can do for you is treat digestive disorders and constipation, and stimulate appetite. Those taking insulin or medication to reduce blood sugar levels and those taking diuretics or lithium should consult their physician before consuming dandelion root. Otherwise, the herb is considered safe for human consumption.

Dandelion root cleanses the body and should be taken under the direction of an herbalist, naturopath or other health care professional in the spring and fall to promote optimum health. Our ancestors used dandelion root for just this purpose. Today, we have the benefit of having knowledgeable health care professionals to assure that dandelion root will not cause any adverse side effects.

Dandelion root should never be taken in conjunction with lithium, which is a medication used to treat manic depression. Do not take it if you are currently taking ciprofloxacin, oxfloxacin or levofloxacin, as these medications and dandelion root are not compatible.

The Dandelion root and leaves contain vitamins A, C and D, as well as the B-complexes. They also contain iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, potassium, manganese, choline, boron, calcium and silicon. Choline has shown to improve memory function. Dandelion has found use as a treatment for breast illnesses, bloating (water retention), aching joints, skin problems and gastrointestinal disorders. It is also as a gentle diuretic and a purifier for the bloodstream and liver.

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About NewLife Today (formerly NewLife@AmpangPark)
At some period in our lives, most of us have wished for better health for ourselves and for those we know and love. Some way to regain the vitality we have lost.
We want a safe and effective method to combat illness. A way to repair our bodies instead of just treating the symptoms with drugs.
We are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Wishing to start all over again. Go back to the way we once were physically, at an age before "modern living" lifestyles and bad habits took their toll. Can it happen?
Maybe having someone to show us the how to honestly fight and win the battle against diseases like cancer and heart attack. To defuse the ticking time bombs of high blood pressure, failing kidneys and tired livers. Is there a fighting chance?
At NewLife, we have seen these wishes come true over and over again, it would be irresponsible and unkind not to help, not to share what we know.
Backed by real life testimonies from people who have benefited, we hope you will find, together with us, the way to make your health wishes come true.
Wishing you the pink of health, contact us for free health consultation.
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